“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside awakens”
Welcome to Becca’s Imaginarium & RPR Holistic Arts Institute. Here you will find my exploratory processes of inquiry and teaching towards greater transformation and wholeness. As an explorer through global wisdom traditions and contemporary academics in bio/psycho/social sciences I have quested for insight into the impacts that art making, the embodied mind, and imagination have upon wellness, learning, and relationality. My philosophical and biological interests in neuroscience, somatic trauma theory, Jungian psychology, quantum physics, and consciousness studies guide these personal sense making investigations and inform my coaching with others. These various paths include artmaking and visual journaling, yoga & intuitive movement, guided visualization and meditation, and other psychotherapeutic strategies. Holistically, they demonstrate interventional spaces for regenerative healing in order to overcome our own conditioning and to face the challenges of life with resilience. The wisdom principles of curious contemplation, compassion, and courage offer us a curriculum in how to learn and know our true nature, and how to dwell closest to the Source, the heart of soul.
Humans are innately adaptive and resilience creatures, but since before the so-called age of Enlightenment, Western society has lost the light of sensitivity and intimacy with nature, the body, our emotions and imaginations. In that drive to belong and please we’ve been culturally trained, emotionally shamed, and socially coerced to think and comply according to others fears and moral laws. When we individually and collectively acknowledge our experiential overwhelm, pain and suffering we counter the impacts of our false selves and stories. We turn the page from fear-based structures of domination, doom, and dehumanization towards awareness-based systems change.
Our minds are our most precious resource and cultivating consciousness is a risky but necessary task of psychological and ethical maturity. We require safe environments that allow for curiosity and creative risktaking, and the permission to dream and pilgrimage through the multidimensions of life. We seek a soft and secure container from which to disrupt the rigidity of the status quo, or to quietly abide in the ambiguous in-between spaces of not knowing. In the process of re-awakening our hearts and embracing our parts, we discover a long lost, wise friend— ourselves as soul companion on the journey of evolutionary healing. We see ourselves as full, rich, and multidimensional beings inhabiting and caring for life together .
In the ever spinning wheel of life, we have two choices: to tread the imprinted wheel of unconsciousness, or to awaken to our aliveness and agency inside our highest and most authentic intentions. We can choose to open the heart, open the mind, and be willing to see, sense, and feel from the source of consciousness itself.
In cultivating safe and sustainable societies, we start with developing our witnessing skills. We attend to, and co-presence those fragmented, numb, stuck and absent parts. Through refining this felt sense we learn to de-armour the ego and relax the nervous systems in order to perceive what is present - both inside our bodies and the social body- the social field. We can pause, access our sensory memory of conditioned suffering and develop an empathic container in which a capacity to hold and metabolize emerges. In this heart-based journey we access the medicine of our original blessing: that brilliant, beautiful, truthful, diamond-like being of dignity and creativity. Resilience comes as we work to trust, befriend and resource ourselves. We can learn again how to show up, grow up, and be truly alive in the world.
EXCAVATE THE IMAGINARIUM: Live from the I AM, animate your authentic being. Mend the wound, live deeply, serve broadly.
Re-sourcing the ART of Our Nervous Systems. Living is an embodied experience. We breathe, move, and have our being, but rather than living intimately connected within, the mind tends to drags our bodies along, guided by its own tangled stories and illusions. We go on as separated, disconnected people in a socially disembodied world, which perpetuates difference and walls between us. In my work we still and breathe, observe, and sense. We may journal, draw, and move to mobilize and digest stuck or unprocessed life stuff. I invite relaxed exploration into direct relating to the felt sense as experienced in sensation, emotions, imagery and archetypes. This presence catalyzes our brains to integrate missing pieces of sensory memory as it rewires, reframes, and releases new energy to manifest a new imaginary. By pausing, welcoming time and space, and suspending all fixed preconceptions, the container of the wise body speaks to reveal insight, self-understanding, expression and leadership. During unprecedented disruption, political upheaval, and historical change, regenerative tools bolster the qualities of emotional resilience, creativity, and presence needed for a sustainable, collective world . They allow the stuck - what is no longer working - to shift so that the future that wants to emerge in us can.
What is the Imaginarium?
The Ground of Being 2007, Acrylic Mixed Media
In short, the Imaginarium is an experiential field of reality, a sacred birthright - a portal of perception to a natural flow state of oneness; the innate, divine, somatic medicine that is our inherent art and soul symphony. This miraculous, experiential space is connected to a Supreme and wise consciousness, a Source that speaks an intuitive and sensory language wherein we can take refuge in its presence, feel held, and be led throughout our everyday interactions. It is a multidimensional mirror of our eternal reality where story and shadow are acknowledged and transmuted. Called by many names, yet experienced beyond words, its path is often culturally inaccessible or misunderstood, but the oneness in experience is ever available to all. In 2003, like a flaneur strolling the art gallery of lived experience, the Imaginarium awakened in my mind’s eye as the soul’s tethering to Consciousness Creativity; a free and willing agent of dialogue, critical questioning, and emotional intelligence that could curate, and thus shape-shift the inner environment as an embodied sanctuary. These days the need for fresh language to articulate and make accessible these liberating human experiences is significant. In times of global resonance with ancient wisdom traditions, modern ethics, contemporary neuroscience and the quantum field, permission and safety to seek truth beyond dogma and human conditioning is ours to receive. The Imaginarium as union of seer and the seen, the I and the Thou, honors the essence of divine teachers and forms across the vast human journey of spiritual and religious traditions. Yet experienced in the present, beyond spoken language and dogma, it arises to dissolve divisive, egocentric or ethnocentric systems stuck in conservative literalism, materialism, prejudice, and bias. Instead, as a living, freshly held unfolding perception of our highest and best humanity, the Imaginarium offers us a vast and spacious landscape for shedding, healing, returning to Source towards our creative becoming.
Oscillating between movement and stillness, this inner field is both empty and filled with the sensory vibrations of images, sounds, poetry and song. It comprises physical sensation, imprinted feelings of memory, lived experience, and rules. It speaks in colors, textures, shadows and forms of loved ones, mentors, mythical energies and fantastical beings. As Brilliant Intelligence, it permits us to play in this meaning-making playground, to shape shift, merge and spark regenerative, life affirming potentials and altruism. Rooted and aligned to this lifestyle of reverence, we interrupt the cycle of our own suffering, and perceive with fresh eyes and hearts ourselves, others, and the collective future. Through a willingness to move and open, we remember who we are and co-create a crystalizing future that wants to emerge. This non-dual clarity between our eternal identity and the Infinite that invites our sacred, good work in the world, is available to all of us.
Over the past 30 years, I have been honored to study with wise and gifted teachers that have guided my career in empowering young and old, from pre-school to college students and seniors alike to contemplate and ask BIG questions, to awaken artistically and spiritually and to risk the work of becoming TRUE. Now, drawing from the story through my own healing journey, I invite you also to step into your own Project Imaginarium.
This can start now with a Beginner’s Mind; a willingness to suspend our preconceived beliefs, values, and judgements of how things are, in order to be shown the reality of what actually is. Trusting what comes into us is crucial. Receptivity is key. Accessing the present moment links us incredibly to non-linear time and connects us to Presence. There we move through past, present, and future, beneath socially learned frameworks and inherited defense strategies to unpack, excavate and unbury, in the Light of that Presence, our truth and dignity. This process of self-inquiry is what I call, Life Excavations.
Become the soul project you were created for. May we all participate in this collective era of regeneration.
Honoring the Light and Love that already lives within you. Namaste.